PCLC Houses
Every member of our community, children or staff, joins a House when they join Pear Tree Mead. Being part of Dragon, Lion, Griffin or Unicorn house gives everyone a sense pride and belonging. As well as developing healthy competition around the school, our house system encourages everyone to cooperate with others and work as part of a team.
When children first join us, we look at family links to Pear Tree Mead and our other PCLC schools so we can ensure all family members are part of the same house. The children will then remain in the same house as they move through the school and if they transfer to Passmores Academy.
All children have the opportunity to earn points for their house by showing our school branches around school and within the community, showing good learning behaviours, completing homework and making excellent progress in class. In addition, there are many opportunities for children to take part in a range of House competitions to earn bonus house points. A weekly cup is presented to the house captains. The excitement builds all year and half termly there is a non-uniform day for the winning house. At the end of the year the winners of our House Trophy are announced as the overall winner.